Friday, January 31, 2014

Very Long Day

 Today was a very long day for me. My littlest is either getting his last 4 teeth in or he is going through a let's scream about everything stage. Either way it is enough to drive anyone mad lol. I love my boys more than anything, but dragging a screaming toddler through the store is not my idea of fun lol. Normally I would leave the store but today I had to get a few things so I bribbed him with snacks and we made it through. I of course forgot the main thing so after I picked up my 5 year old the 3 of us hadd to venture into Publix, that went much better, probably because they were distracted by the rain on the way in and out.
   I did complete the 3rd day of my Hasfit workout today. Before I started I was sure I would fall over because my legs are still sore from yesterday. It was only 10 minutes but it killed my legs. Thank goodness tomorrow is an off day and that I do not have to drive out to Noah's school since it is far from the house and I hate traffic. :)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Day 2 of Hasfit Challenge

Today I completed the 2nd day of the Hasfit 90 day  warrior challenge and my legs are sore. I did it early and it did not seem like it would be to hard when I first started but I was wrong lol. So  far I like these workouts because they are not to long and cut right to the chase. Of course I am only on day 2, so we shall see. I really wanted to get my walking in as well but with the a sick little bot that did not happen . Tomorrow I will probably walk first then do my challenge, in case I can't stand up after words lol.
  I have not quite started the diet portion of the challenge. I am trying to stay under 1400 calories, but I am not quite succeeding. I did go to my Dr. today about my weight gain and not being to take it off. It seems the harder I try the less it comes off. I will do blood work to see what is up. Having PCOS kind of sucks sometimes. For now I will have faith in God that he will help me with this journey of my life. It seems kind of silly to pray for help with loosing weight, but what can it hurt :). I am off to get my Kiddos ready for bed and maybe a nice long bath for me.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

My crazy life.

Since this is my first blog I am just going to wing it. I have two boys, both of whom are sitting next to me while I type. Noah is my 5 year old preschooler who chatters away about everything lol. Nicholas is my 1 year old(21m) who, bless his heart, doesn't say much yet but gets into Everything. My husband Tom works in Orlando, which is an hour and a half away. This gives me and the boys a lot of time by ourselves. I recently became a stay at home mom which is taking a lot of getting use to. I enjoy it most of the time but I feel like I am still trying to find the balance of where I end and my kids begin. Hopefully, over time I will master this lol. I am also struggling to get off the extra weight I gained after I stopped Nursing awhile back. Anyway, Hopefully I will succeed  at everything I do especially this blogging stuff lol.