Wednesday, February 19, 2014


 After a nice weekend at Disney with the boys I am paying the price with a touch of the flu or something.  Since my husband was traveling for work I decided to spend the extended weekend at Epcot and Downtown Disney. We had a great time and even got to spend time in the pool, sorry to my northern family lol. I did not work out Sun and Mon because I walked a lot pushing a stroller with 2 boys. Tue I coughed to much to work out. Today I stated my workout but had to stop due to the throwing up it caused. Lol sorry tmi. I feel disappointed in myself but I am not actually sure what I can do about it. So for now I will just rest, well as best as I can with my little monster running around. Hopefully i will feel better in the morning.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

12 days down

Since I have not posted in awhile, I will start with my workout.  I have been doing them and today was day 12. It sucked, but I did it lol. I hurt my elbow and I am pretty sure I will feel it in the am. I am not loosing weight like I want but I am have lost a couple pounds. I am trying to eat lower carb and less sugar. Hopefully by May I will see better results. For now I am just going to push through my workout s with all I got and resist those  Reeses cups my hubby has hidden in the freezer. ;)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Day 7 of the Warrior Challange

Today was day 7 and it went pretty good. It was dumbbell strength training. I am using 5 lb weights. I can do most of the arm exercises but it is really hard for me to to some of the leg ones. I can not go down as far as I use to on the lunges and forget the triceps push ups lol. I am getting better and the soreness afterwards is lessening. I have not started the nutrition portion yet but I will this week. I also have a huge addiction to diet pepsi that I am trying to overcome. These things are baby steps for me lol. I did go on a 20 min workout with Nicholas after my work out and When we pick Noah up we will probably do another walk so that I can get to mt 10,000 steps on my fitbit. Hopefully I will start seeing some results soon :)

To Work or Not to Work

 A few months back I was working at The Hospital as a part time Unit Secretary. One day they decided to eliminate one of the shifts, which in turn pushed me down to 1 day a week and I lost my insurance. After a couple months my husband and I decided it would be best for me to stop working. It no longer was profitable for me to work there with no benefits. Well, today a former coworker emailed me to let me know they now needed a part time worker again. There is more to the story of the hospital that I will not bore you with, but bc of the story I was leery about going back or not. After talking to my closest and dearest friend Jackie about it( and of course my husband lol), I have decided to decline their offer. Some days this staying at home with the kids 24/7 is rough, but I have an opportunity to do something special and not every mom gets the chance to do. I love my kids more than anything and I want to be able to spend this precocious time with them before they grow up. I feel guilty at time staying home and I think it is because I have always worked full time, until this last position at the hospital. I am working on the feeling guilty part and I am realizing whether you stay at home or work full time, some days your kids are the best and other days not so much lol.