Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Where has the time gone

I have not blogged in a couple weeks. The time is just flying by. My husband and I celebrated our 9th wedding anniversary last week. I meet him in 1997. Some days it feels like a million years ago and other days it feels like yesterday. We have had our ups and downs but all in all I still feel like I am married to one of my best friends. I also can not believe that Nicholas will be 2 this month. I really do feel like I just had him yesterday lol. All 10lbs 5oz of him :). Noah and Nick are growing up to fast. All those years we spent trying to have them time stood still and now it seems time is speeding up. Its hard sometimes to just breath and take in how beautiful life really is. Especially when the kids are overly hyper and there dad is overly busy at work. Despite how tired and frustrated I may get at times I still realize that God has blessed us beyond measures and I am so very thankful for all he has  given to us.